
In the download section, there are items that can be useful from the SOLIDWORKS administrating point of view. In case you are interested of something which is not shown here, you are welcome to contact us. Important is to mention, that the library is AS-IS and therefore we cannot be possibly responsible for results, to give any warranty or take any responsibility for issues one can have later. However, we have put a lot of effort into it, using this ourselves on a daily and our implementation projects and improve it frequently.

Yes, all files can be used independently from book, but we recommend to buy the books to understand the background why things are done as they are. This is also support for us, authors to continue our work which has already taken hundreds of hours to research, test and compile the files as one whole working system.

All our libraries, PDM Standard configuration files and example library files can be found here:

Weldment profiles

According to our experiences, Weldment profiles is most common custom created content. There are lot of them for downloading, but for some reason users prefer to have own ones. In following ZIP files there are most common profiles. Profiles are equipped with excel table and length is written into description field. In case you need to have a description without length – simply open table and mark “Y” to “N”.

As obvious, profiles are pretty much local stuff, it is recommended to look what your suppliers offer in real life and remove in your region not available sizes from table.


Last updated: 22.05.219 (2018 version)